

フランシス・ハ FRANCES HA (USA, 2012)
It's black and white film.
I was a little irritated with the heroin who is 27 and working at ballet company. Because she is not good at expressing her emotions like ME! But I thought that I want to search the best (or better) way of life like her.

ぶどうのなみだ (JAPAN, 2013)
It's been almost 8 years since I watched Japanese film. 大泉洋 is my favourite actor, so I decided to watch the film.
The film that is set in Sorachi 空知, Hokkaido. But I think there is no realistic.
To be honest I didn't know what the film wants to tell us, but I was filled with warm feelings when I leave the theatre. I've never been to Hokkaido yet, so I want to visit there some time.

I wrote about 365日のシンプルライフ TAVARATAIVAS, スモーキング・ハイ PINEAPPLE EXPRESS and THIS IS THE END on OCTOBER FAVOURITES post. I highly recommend these movies (especially TAVARATAIVAS!):)

(Thanks for stopping by and reading! I love hearing your comments:) I'm not good at English! When finding mistakes in my English, will you correct them if you don't mind?)

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